Articles & Info
Listed below are some of the local companies and specialist organisations which we use. We do not make any promises about their services, although we only list ones which we consider provide good quality and value for money.
General Information:
British Alpaca Society 0845 331 2468
This is a useful organisation to belong to if you intend breeding alpacas. There are local groups – in Leighton Buzzard we are on the edge of several, although officially in the Heart of England area. The groups organise talks, shows and social events all of which are worth attending if you wnat to learn more about alpacas.
General Care and assistance
Kirstie Wilde, K W Animal Services 07748 613771
Kirstie used to work for a major alpaca breeder and now works independently providing the full range of help and support including house sitting, shearing, toe nail cutting, injections and help with anything which requires an extra pair of hands.
Wayne Jones, Alpaca Welfare Services 07738 696 762
Wayne Jones offers a range of services aimed at the requirements of small herd alpaca owners (3-10 alpacas) but he can also service larger herds. He offers shearing, toe nail cutting, injections and drenches and halter training
Feedstuff and miscellaneous equipment:
Dennes Country Stores, Dollar Farm, Leighton Road, Soulbury, LU7 0JH 01525 270211
Alpaca Care
Homestead Farm Supplies (Mail order service) 01525 713188
Veterinary Services:
Towcester Farm Vets 01327 350239
We have used the Towcester Vets for the last few years and found them, excellent. In addition to farm visits they offer a regular plasma service where woners can take a donor animals to give blood which is then processed to provide frozen plasma for use with difficult births. They also hold regular lecture evenings which provide a great opportunity to meet up with other owners in the area.
Claire Whitehead, Camelid Veterinary Services. 07769
Claire Whitehead is one of a very few vets int his country who specailises in camelids and is incredibly knowledgable. She also runs very good training courses on e.g. birthing alpacas. If you have a problem which your local vet cannot resolve she is happy to work with them to provide specialist supprt.
Wendover Heights Veterinary Services, Tring Road, halton, Aylesbury 01296 623439
Wendover Heights has an equine section who can provide support to alpaca owners
Kirsie Wilde (see above)
Wayne Jones (see above)
Sandra Scott, 01763 242724
Jay Holland, Pure Alpacas, Torsend House, Main Road, Tirley, GL19 4EU 780327
Jeff Coleman 01525 405415
Field Shelters:
Vale Stables: Welford on Avon, Warwickshire 01789 766533
Camelid Dynamics training (a specialist approach to alpaca handling)
Jay Holland, Pure Alpacas, 01452 780327
BAS organise most of the shows in the UK and further details can be obtained from their web site. The larest show is the National Show which has been held at Telford Exhibition Centre for several years
Alpaca magazine is the quarterly publication from BAS and free to all members.
Alpaca World is an independent on line magazine also published quarterly by Classical Publishing. Editor Rachel Hebditch. tel 01884 243579